Datárum Documentation

Wending/Gregorian Conversion

Wending/Gregorian Conversion

Datárum has 2 conversion methods available from converting between Wending dates and Gregorian dates. These are fromdatetime and todatetime and, as expected, they both involve either consuming or returning an instance of Python’s datetime class:

>>> dt = datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 15)
>>> wending_date = datarum.wending.fromdatetime(dt)
>>> wending_date.strftime('{daeg} {month} {gere}')
'28 Hát 225'

>>> wending_date = datarum.wending(225, 11, 28)
>>> dt = wending_date.todatetime()
>>> dt.strftime("%d %B %Y")
'15 August 2017'
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